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___ Kario
Kario_ Bake On Mesh female mesh body
Introducing KARIO, the first male body of the brand, Ultra detailed bodysuits made with the newest Second Life tools. Designed and built to offer you a unique experience in customizing your appearance. With its potential, KARIO will allow you to be whatever you want, slim, sexy, curvy or child, with 3 different types of muscle and numerous customization possibilities with over 60 Bake On Mesh levels (BOM)
Alpha Hud soon included
03 Types of muscle type
04 Types of nipple (16 basic HUD colors to make them custom)
Advanced skin shine control system
04 Skin materials included 02 Custom control
RGB control for the skin
RGB control for the nipples
HD Feet (Right and left)
HD Hands (Right and Left)
03 Foot position
03 Toenails (24 basic HUD colors to make them custom)
04 Hand nails (24 basic HUD colors to make them custom)
Physics activated
Customization saving system